Monday, September 1, 2014

Obsessed With The Body

 Jesus: Wretched is a body that depends on a body

Gospel of Thomas 87

Paul: They have worshipped the creature, rather than the Creator
Letter to the Romans Chapter 1

Jesus: I am not your Master. Because you drank, you are drunk from the same bubbling stream that I measured out

Gospel of Thomas 13 

How is it that over 100 million people have downloaded a video of a woman obscenely shaking her butt? One hundred million. That's more downloads than some countries have people. What is the collective effect on world culture? More pertinently, what is the collective effect on the world's youth? What is this statistic revealing to us?

 Most people identify with their bodies; they consciously or unconsciously believe that what they see in their mirrors and instagram selfies is who they are. 

They spend money on hairstyles, skin creams, trips to the gym and make sure they have at least one photo-editing program on their cellphones.

Again, we can ask why? Why has the image of people become more important than people themselves?

In this 21st Century, we have seen the glamorisation of women and the breakdown of traditional roles accelerating and also the abuse of women a commonplace occurrence: trafficking, rape, domestic violence and other nasties.

Those who follow the world's scriptures will know that this is a characteristic of the Age of Kali, the end-times, when there will also be, Jesus said, "Wars and rumours of wars".

Wars, and rumours of them, is so everyday now that most people actually take little notice of them -- unless they unfortunately live where a war is taking place. Right now, as I'm writing this, the news is all about the Ukraine conflict, Israel, Syria, Baka Haram, etc... the list is extensive.

The reason for this global nastiness, Paul wrote to the Romans, is a focus on the creature, i.e., people, rather than on our Creator, our Father, the One, the Life-Force that runs through us all. And part of this mis-focus is due to our religions: as soon as you let your spiritual leader, priest, guru, whatever, tell you what to do, you're lost. As Jesus told Thomas, you must seek out that bubbling stream for yourself and drink its living waters.

© Kenneth Rowley 2014

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